As we age, the scaffolding of our skin deteriorates which causes it to wrinkle and sag. Our dermal layer thins, we produce less and less collagen, we lose laxity and texture and the elastin that underpins our skins elasticity (not least by cross-linking with collagen just like the brackets on a scaffold) begin to wear out, deform, and ‘slide’ over the collagen fibrils. This prevents them from maintaining a solid structure.
Plasma Pen is the world’s most advanced, non-invasive, skin lifting, skin tightening and rejuvenation device used to treat wrinkles, and sagging, dull skin. The Plasma Pen is an FDA approved, CE approved device used to perform fibroblast therapy, a technique used to stimulate production of collagen in the skin.
Plasma Pen converts electrical energy into gaseous diatomic molecular nitrogen and transmits that energized gas in a non-contact way to the skin’s surface from above. This causes a micro-trauma to the skin’s epidermal layer (top layers) whilst simultaneously heating and disrupting the deeper dermal structure via thermal conduction. This treatment is also known as fibroblasting. Fibroblasts are the most common cells of connective tissue in the body that produce collagen.
Parallel to the rapid formation of new epithelial tissue which tightens and lifts the skin, (the superficial healing process), Plasma Pen treatment initiates a comprehensive healing response over the coming 12 weeks. This healing process is best characterized by extensive dermal remodeling that includes neocollagenesis (new collagen synthesis), neoelastogenesis (the production of elastin), cross-linking between collagen and elastin fibrils and the reversal of elastotic change (the premature degeneration of dermal elastic tissue).
The main clinical outcomes of a Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh International treatment are:
- A dramatic reduction of photoageing and superficial wrinkles (rhytids)
- The partial-to-complete elimination of medium-depth wrinkles
- Spectacular skin tightening, skin lifting and skin rejuvenation
- A marked improvement and softening of deep wrinkles.
Unlike treatments such as microneedling; there is no blood, there are no open wounds and Plasma Pen benefits from a unique ability to always work at a predictable depth of tissue injury. Dovetailing this with exclusive 0.2mm and 0.4mm nano-probes and consistent, on-demand plasma delivery helps underscore a rapid healing process with minimal downtime, rapid recovery and long-lasting results of around 3 years (with many effects permanent).
Plasma Pen is arguably the only treatment outside of plastic surgery which can be safely performed on the eyelids (non-surgical blepharoplasty). With this device, we are actually able to perform most cosmetic surgery procedures with similar effects (including facelifts, jawline augmentations, neck lifts, non-surgical rhinoplasty, tummy tucks, breast lifts and beyond) – but all in a completely non-surgical and non-invasive way.
The Plasma Pen can also be used to remove/reduce moles and skin tags and improve the appearance of scarring, stretch marks and pigmentation.
Fibroblasting produces excellent results for any area of the body, particularly the face and neck regions.
- Accordion lines – the lines that form outside of the mouth when you smile
- Crow’s feet around eyes
- Forehead lines
- Jowl / jawline tightening
- Marionette lines – The creases or folds that run vertically from the corners of the mouth down to the chin
- Nasal labial folds / smile lines – The folds that run from the sides of your nose down to the edge of your mouth
- Necklines, turkey neck
- Smoker’s lines – those vertical wrinkles also known as lipstick lines around the mouth
- Stretchmarks
- Upper and lower eyelids – Bags and hoods
As with any aesthetic procedure, it is absolutely essential that a full and comprehensive consultation is performed prior to any treatment. The consultation will always include your past medical and surgical history, lifestyle, allergies and medications. You will be asked to describe your concerns/problem areas and by having a thorough and honest conversation, we will plan your treatment journey.
Treatment with Plasma Pen requires the application of topical numbing cream. The treatment itself requires skill and an attention to detail which in turn requires time. You should allow 2 hours for a standard treatment. See below a photo of the ‘dotting’;

The tightening and lifting effect of the treatment are instant. You can expect the carbon crusts to remain for up to a week. The healing response that is initiated takes place over the coming 12 weeks; the skin is tighter, firmer, lifted and resurfaced and wrinkles are reduced. More than one treatment may be required.

While treatments with Plasma Pen are safe, risks include;
- Swelling and bruising
- Scabbing and crusting
- Skin discoloration
- Scarring
The plasma pan can successfully reduce/remove skin tags/moles/warts.

The Joint Council For Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) and The Cosmetic Practice Standards Authority (CPSA) are recognised self-regulators of the non-surgical aesthetics industry in the United Kingdom and provide guidance for practitioners.
As with most aesthetic procedures, it is important that you ‘do your homework’ before committing to any particular treatment or practitioner. There are many ‘plasma pen’ devices available but many are not suitable for professional use and can cause burns and skin damage. In addition, it is absolutely essential that the practitioner performing the treatment has received appropriate training and has necessary experience.There are many contraindications for fibroblasting including but not limited to certain medical conditions, medications and skin types.
The Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh International is the world’s #1 plasma device and the only pen used here at Radiant.
Unlike medicines such as Botox®, plasma pen treatments do not require a prescription. An experienced, suitably qualified practitioner will always ensure that a thorough consultation is performed and should be happy to answer any questions you may have. Consider asking the following;
- What is your level of experience and qualifications?
What is the name or brand of product/device you are using?
Are there any risks or side effects I could experience?
What will happen if anything goes wrong?
What insurance cover do you have for plasma pen treatments?
Plasma Pen treatments are priced according to the area being treated so will be individualised.
Upper/lower blepharoplasty from £500
Lower face/jowls from £400
Lower/mid face lift from £650
Neck lift from £500
Skin tag/mole removal from £150