Vitamins are essential micronutrients required in trace quantities for normal growth and development and to ensure normal body functioning. Essential nutrients cannot be synthesised by the body in sufficient quantities and must be taken in via a healthy diet. Their impact on the body’s health is critical and deficiencies of these micronutrients can have severe and even life-threatening effects on the body.
Vitamin B12 is required to help your body to use fat and carbohydrate for energy and it also helps to make protein and DNA. It is an essential vitamin to help maintain blood, nerve cells, and neurological function. Vitamin B12 is only found naturally in animal products and dietary sources include liver, fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, yeast extract (such as marmite) and foods that have been fortified with B12.
It is thought that 90% of vegetarians and vegans are deficient in Vitamin B12. If you have low Vitamin B12 levels, you may find you have symptoms such as:

- Fatigue
- Stress
- Loss of appetite
- Low Moods
- Faintness
- Brain Fog
- Pale Skin
As with any aesthetic or medical procedure, it is absolutely essential that a full and comprehensive consultation is performed prior to any treatment. The consultation will always include your past medical and surgical history, lifestyle, allergies and medications.
Vitamin B12 injections (Hydroxocobalamin) are administered intramuscularly, generally into the top of the arm. Discomfort is minimal and you can return to your day immediately after your appointment.
Since B12 shots are injected intramuscularly bypassing the digestive process, they start to work immediately. Typically, our patients experience positive effects between 24-72 hours after the treatment. It is recommended that the injections are performed weekly for 4 weeks and then repeated every 3-6 months.
Vitamin B12 injections are generally considered to be very safe. Rare side effects have been reported and they will be discussed during the consent process.
Hydroxocobalamin is a prescription only medication and as such must be prescribed and administered by a qualified prescriber. Practitioners should be registered with a professional body (General Medical Council, General Dental Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, General Pharmaceutical Council or Health and Care Professions Council) and you can check their current registration status online. Practitioners are accountable to these bodies and are legally required to have indemnity insurance in place for all the treatments they perform.
Vitamin B12 is a prescribed drug and as discussed must, by law be prescribed by a qualified prescriber. An experienced injector and prescriber will always ensure that a thorough consultation is performed and should be happy to answer any questions you may have. Consider asking the following;
- What is your level of experience and qualifications?
What is the name or brand of product/device you are using?
Are there any risks or side effects I could experience?
What will happen if anything goes wrong?
- What insurance cover do you have for Vitamin B12 treatments?
£30 each or £110 when bought as a course of 4 administered weekly